Featured in Sheage, a lifestyle magazine!

Nercocia ネルコッチャがSheageに取材されました。

Hello everyone! We are Nercocia., a loungewear and nightwear brand made in Japan!

A feature article on Nercocia. was published in the lifestyle magazine “Sheage”!

The article was written by someone who actually touched and saw our products at the exhibition,

We are very happy that the article was written by someone who actually touched and saw our products at the exhibition, and it conveys the charm of Nercocia.

Please check the URL below and read the article.

ハトムギの保湿成分が肌をいたわる。「Nercocia.」のふんわり柔らかなルームウェア | Sheage(シェアージュ... 寒さと乾燥に悩まさせる冬にも温かくて着心地がよく、肌の潤いをキープしてくれる。そんな理想的なルームウェアを展開している「Nercocia.(ネルコッチャ)」。

Sheage(シェアージュ) 私らしく、もっと輝く

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