I am trying my best to take care of my skin, but somehow my skin tone is not improving. This is the season when many people have such problems. Unfortunately, spring, summer, fall, and winter each have their own causes of skin problems throughout the year, and the change of seasons is especially important to keep an eye on.
Your skin is easily affected by the temperature and humidity of the outside air, and it serves to protect your body from atmospheric pollution and ultraviolet rays, and from pollen and allergens during times of high pollen counts and allergens.
However, if it is unable to respond to these changes, it causes dryness and inflammation problems, sending emergency and danger signals from within our bodies.
Therefore, we must not forget to enhance the barrier function that protects the skin from various stimuli and to promote turnover to repair the irritation and damage we have received.
For more information on barrier functions, click here.:Astragalus to keep moisture in! How to Improve Barrier Function
What is turnover?
The metabolism and rebirth of the skin in a certain cycle is called “turnover.
As cells born in the basal layer, the innermost layer of the epidermis, rise to the surface, they change shape and come to the surface of the skin.
In addition, the dead skin cells on the top surface of the epidermis are shed. The average turnover cycle is said to be 28 days.
However, as the skin ages and its functions deteriorate, the turnover cycle gradually lengthens and declines.
20s 28 days
30s 40 days
40s 45 days
50s 55 days
The turnover of the epidermis is weakened, and as the cycle lengthens, the ability of cells to push up is weakened and dead skin cells are laid down on the surface.
The ability to accumulate moisture is also weakened, and dead skin cells containing melanin are present on the skin indefinitely. The surface of the skin becomes rough, rough, and flaky, and even if the skin is moisturized with skincare, it will not penetrate the skin.
Therefore, dry skin has a reduced barrier function and is more susceptible to UV rays and pollutants, which accelerates the aging process and skin problems such as breakouts, acne, blotches, dullness, and inflammation.
And unfortunately, the most common cause of delayed turnover cycle is aging.
So how exactly should we take care of this problem?
It is still too early to give up on aging and aging as there is nothing we can do about it! It is possible to improve skin age on your own with proper daily care.
In addition, to help healthy cell renewal, it is possible to slow down the aging process by reviewing your daily diet and using detoxifying wheatgrass skin care products.
For more information on clean skin and moisturizing, click here.:
60% of skin moisturizing is determined by food! What are the nutrients that make for beautiful skin?
Increased turnover with proper skin care methods
The purpose of skin care is different in the morning and at night.
In the morning, the skin is surprisingly dirty due to sweat from sleeping and dust from bedding and sheets. Therefore, it is necessary to cleanse the skin in the morning by washing the face with a cleanser to remove dirt. Next, moisturize the skin.
Moisturize with lotion and beauty oil to protect the skin from various damages. Finally, UV care is applied to prevent skin from aging.
In the morning, this is how it works
Care to remove, care to condition, care to replenish, care to protect
The purpose is to cleanse, moisturize, and protect against ultraviolet rays.
General Care Nercocia.
① Face wash ①Tear grass face wash
② Lotion ②Tear grass Lotion
③ Serum → ③ Tear grass beauty oil
④ Emulsion
⑤ Cream ④ UV care
⑥UV care
Nighttime care is to remove makeup and dirt from the skin.
If cleansing does not remove makeup and dirt, the skin will oxidize, pigmentation will occur and the inside of your skin will become horrible.
General Care Nercocia.
①Cleansing ① Cleansing
② Face wash ② Tear grass soap
③ Lotion ③ Tear grass root lotion
④ Serum ④ Tear grass beauty oil
⑤Milky lotion
For those in their 30s and beyond, who tend to accumulate keratin, peeling (keratin care) once a week after washing the face will remove unnecessary keratin and help turnover.
Using a facial equipment for different purposes also promotes turnover.
For example, one that rolls over the skin is used to promote blood circulation. For sagging skin and wrinkles, use high-frequency RF. LED is used for acne and skin texture improvement. For sagging skin, EMS is used to move muscles from deep inside. Ionizing and electroporation facial machines.
Nercocia.Tear grass skin care so you can
Nercocia. Astragalus skin care is rich in ingredients extracted from the bran, which was once discarded, of high-quality Astragalus grown in Toyama Prefecture, which is rich in nature of water, greenery, mountains, and sea.
The bran contains more yokuinin, a high-quality amino acid, than the wheat bran itself, and is known to be an effective ingredient not only for moisturizing the skin, but also for preventing and treating warts and cancer, and is known to be useful for cell regeneration.
Another appeal of this product is that it can achieve a high level of water retention and moisturization, making it possible to use one or two steps less than normal skin care.
For more information on how to use it, click here “Moisturizing Starts with Cleaning.”
By learning the correct knowledge of daily skin care, changing your awareness, and nurturing your skin, the turnover = the state of your skin that will be born next time will surely change.
Nercocia.Astragalus skin care saves you time and effort, and can also create a better skin condition. We offer you to moisturize your skin with Astragalus and keep it healthy and hydrated forever.

Nercocia. Tear grass beauty oil
【Trade Name】Adlay Skin Care Serum
【Price】 2,750 yen
【Volume】 15ml
【Squalane】 Argania spinosa kernel oil, Jojoba oil, Astragalus membranaceus oil, Hinokitiol, Rose oil
Hinokitiol, Rose oil
【Product Description】
In addition to Nercocia’s unique plant moisturizing ingredients such as wheat bran oil, 100% natural plant oils are used to penetrate into the keratinized skin layer.
It keeps the skin fine and healthy, preventing roughness.
Squalane (plant-derived) is an essential ingredient for making the human sebum film. It is contained in sebum and plays an important role in keeping skin healthy by having a moisturizing effect to protect skin moisture and an emollient effect to soften the skin.