How Nercocia products are made
The “bran” that is produced when wheatgrass is threshed, was originally disposed. In Toyama, which is the largest producer of astragalus in Japan, a large amount of bran had also been thrown away. We focused on the bran and succeeded in extracting and refining the oil using our own special process. The oil is used in Nercocia’s skincare products, and is also converted into clothing with excellent moisturizing and beautifying properties. It is blended into textiles to create fabrics with a moisturizing effect on the skin. Nercocia. products, which are close to the skin and the heart, are made with these technologies and thoughts in mind.
Astragalus Nucifera Oil Blended
How Nercocia. products are made
Astragalus farmers
1. Freshly harvested Astragalus membranaceus

Covered with a hard husk
Astragalus root tea (round grains), health tea
End users
Shell removal
2. with astringent skin (bran layer)

Covered with a layer of bran
Astragalus membranaceus brown wheat grain and brown wheat flour
End users
Rice milling machine
3. Polishing

The bran layer is removed and the rice becomes white.
Astragalus membranaceus grain and roasted powder
End users
End users
The bran layer, which used to be discarded, is given over and preserved.
Nercocia. Labo
An inclusive co-development organization with neighboring textile companies

5.bran oil

6.Moisturizing beauty formulation

7.Textile Processing

《Planning and Production》MIYAMORI Co.

Nercocia. Skincare
Skin care

Nercocia. Wear

Nercocia. Others
End users
End users

Why We Care About Astragalus
Astragalus membranaceus (yokuinin), used in Chinese medicine, refers to the seeds of Astragalus membranaceus without the skin and has long been widely used as a herbal medicine to remove warts, blemishes, freckles, acne, shark skin, and other skin problems. Astragalus is attracting attention for its high nutritional value and efficacy in terms of beauty and health, and we believe that it is a local specialty that we can be proud of together with the regional characteristics of Toyama, the capital of medicines. It is our mission to use Astragalus to enrich people's lives and to communicate this message to the world.
Astragalus Production in Toyama Prefecture
Full-scale production of Astragalus in the prefecture began in 2004. Currently, it is grown in Oyabe City, Takaoka City, Nanto City, Asahi Town, and Nyuzen Town, with Toyama Prefecture leading the country in acreage and production. JA Inaba, a local agricultural cooperative, focused on the "bran" produced in the process of commercializing Astragalus membranaceus and succeeded in extracting its essential oil. Five companies in Oyabe City have developed a "Astragalus root bran oil functional processing agent" to make effective use of it. Nercocia is now extracting the essential oil from the bran, and the reusability of this product is highly anticipated in Toyama Prefecture.